Zener cards, also known as ESP cards were originally designed in the 1930’s by psychologist Karl Zener to test psychic ability and accuracy. These cards are a great way to practice and develop your telepathic and clairvoyant muscles by determining which card is being held up without visually seeing it, using your extrasensory perception. The cards come in a pack of 25 cards and include 5 cards of 5 different designs; a circle, cross, wave, square and star.
These cards are a great way to strengthen your own psychic muscles. They work simply by using our extra sensory perception to determine what the card is without viewing it with our actual eyes. Everyone has psychic ability, I compare it to something like running, most people can do it and you can work those muscles and strengthen your ability, but some people will also be naturally better at it. Psychic development is exactly the same. Consistency, practice and belief will help you develop those muscles.
Here are a few techniques you might like to try.
Derma-Optic Perception is where the unseen information is received through touch to the conscious awareness. This involves touching the card without seeing the shape and perceiving through your senses what shape or colour is on the card you are touching.
Precognition is a process of predicting which card you will draw before you choose it. The way I like to do this is to fan out the cards face down, I state which one I will choose and run my left hand closely over the top of the fanned out cards without touching them, my hand will feel hot when I get to the card I have chosen precognitively.
Telepathy is where you have a partner look at the card and try to share the card to you telepathically. This can be done by having your partner draw it and mentally sending you their image or just conveying what they see to you mentally.
Remote Viewing is where you project your astral self to a position where you can see the card in your mind. Imagine yourself standing in the room in a position where you are looking at the card, can you see what the card is in your minds eye.
These cards are a great way to practice and develop your telepathic and clairvoyant muscles and extra sensory perception.
This is also a great exercise to learn how your intuition speaks to you.
Can you sense a shape? A colour? Which technique is stronger for you?
As a benchmark, out of the 25 cards, ‘chance’ would expect to see 5 correct answers. Don’t worry about getting it wrong, the learning and development is in the process!
The My Inner Witch Zener cards are a contemporary designed set and come in a pack of 25 and include 5 cards of 5 different designs; a circle, cross, wave, square and star. The deck comes in a really gorgeous custom printed tin. You can buy them here.